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Tech Talk

Technology is at the heart of all organisations today. The pace of change is growing ever faster. In the coming years, the finance profession will be profoundly altered by new and evolving technologies.

However, accountants are ideally placed to take advantage of these new technologies. As they will be able to evolve their own careers and help their clients at the same time. Here we present a series of brief videos that describe some of the core transformational technologies that will help shape the future of accountancy. While many of the technology terms you will hear may well be new to you however the central concepts will be familiar. The ability to evaluate and decide a course of action, accounting for transactions, protecting a clients confidentiality and making use of information are all encapsulated in the ABCD technologies described below. Underpinning the use of technology is ethical behaviour - a cornerstone of the profession. 

Each of these videos is designed to provide an introduction to each topic.

Artificial intelligence and the future of accountancy
Join Artificial Intelligence expert Professor Moshe Vardi as he discusses the growth of AI and its impact on the accounting profession.

Blockchain, bitcoin and the future of the accountancy profession
An overview of how blockchain came to be, why it's exciting for business and finance, the challenges it has to overcome, and its uses out in the real world.
Cyber security: addressing a key business risk
In this talk, we discuss some of the threats from cyber crime, the potential impact on a firm and some of the steps that your organisation can take to protect itself.

Data: a world of opportunities
In this talk, we provide some examples of different types of data and how it can be used. We discuss the role of data in audit, how big data is being used by businesses in China, some of the concerns around data usage and finally the importance and role of the finance professional in this increasingly important area.

New technologies, ethics and accountability
Delving into the ethics of new technology. The seismic developments currently taking place in AI and algorithms are both exciting and morally concerning. What happens when machines do our thinking and decision-making for us? Where does the buck stop and who is accountable? And what can the accounting profession bring to this most complex of ethical dilemmas?

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