Your company
As a starting point, you should normally discuss the ethical problem within your employing organisation. You may find it useful to discuss the ethical problem with:
- Your immediate superior
- The next level of management
- A corporate governance body eg, audit committee
- Other departments in your organisation such as legal, audit and human resources.
Refer to guidance:
You should refer to ICAEW's guidance in the Code of Ethics, other guidance in the regulations, standards and guidance and FAQs.
Helplines for members:
You may also seek advice from ICAEW's helplines, free of charge:
Ethics Advisory Service
This is a confidential free helpline, exempt from the duty to report professional misconduct within ICAEW.
Tel: +44 (0)1908 248 250 or webchat
Money laundering helpline
This provides advice on general and specific issues concerning money laundering regulations and guidance, which can be discussed anonymously.
Tel: +44 (0)1908 248 250
Support Members Scheme
This is run by volunteer members of ICAEW from a wide range of backgrounds. It is a confidential, free service exempt from the duty to report misconduct within ICAEW. It provides advice and help to members in difficulties on a wide range of issues.
Tel: 0800 917 3526
Legal advice
You may want to consider taking legal advice to resolve issues arising from the application of laws and regulations to particular situations relating to confidentiality, disclosure, privilege, self-incrimination and other areas.