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Reporting with Integrity

The Reporting with integrity publication issued in April 2007 brings ideas from a variety of disciplines, in order to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of what is meant by integrity, both as a concept and in practice.

Reporting with Integrity

Download a PDF copy of the Information for Better Markets report: Reporting with Integrity.

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Moreover, because this report sees reporting with integrity as a joint endeavour of individuals, organisations and professions, including the accounting profession, the concept of integrity is considered in all these contexts.


Printed copies of the report and abstract are available free of charge. Please call the ICAEW's technical department on +44 (0)20 7920 8634 for copies.


Readers were invited to respond to the consultation on this publication. In addition, during 2007, the ICAEW participated or organised events to promote debate on the topic of integrity such as the P D Leake lecture, District Society events and the ICAEW Annual Summit.

The publication has attracted considerable interest from academics, standard setters, professional accountants in business and in practice. The feedback received from events, meetings and respondents to the consultation is summarised in Reporting with Integrity consultation: summary of key points.

Further work

The ICAEW will be taking forward existing work on integrity generally as part of the Market Foundations thought leadership initiative. As part of this initiative the ICAEW has published practical guidance aimed at directors and management to assist them. In addition, the practicalities of instilling integrity in business have been examined in 'Real Integrity' and other work in instilling integrity in organisations (PDF 227KB/4 pages).

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