The ICAEW President’s Appointment Scheme was established to offer appointment of an independent arbitrator, expert, valuer or mediator to assist with a dispute when given authority to do so. This can be a quicker, cheaper alternative to private litigation.
The Scheme has received a decreasing volume of applications in recent years, and with the improvements in the technology available to us, we have taken the decision to change the way in which this scheme works. With effect from 1 July 2020 we have encouraged applicants to self-serve in order to find a firm that has the expertise they are after.
To support applicants in this process we have improved our online firm directory to include references to a firm’s specialisms and links to firm websites. Potential applicants can use the online directory at to search for and shortlist firms with the necessary skills and expertise they need for their potential appointments. We believe this change will enable applicants to search from the full range of firms and offer them even greater choice.
The Practice Assurance Principal in each firm can add (from a defined list) relevant specialisms online to include in their firm’s entry via their online profile. We anticipate that these wider changes will also increase business development opportunities for firms.
ICAEW will provide for a fee, a service to nominate a firm where applicants are unable to agree who to approach only for joint applicants and single applicants with a binding court order over the other party. This will operate as the ICAEW President’s Nomination Scheme. The existing President’s Appointment Scheme will no longer be offered or its database maintained.
Should you have any queries please do contact us by email.