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Developing a global mindset is essential if you want to progress in today’s competitive business environment. Experience of working internationally is often seen as critical career experience for reaching senior management levels.

Chartered Accountants Worldwide

Chartered Accountants Worldwide brings together the leading institutes of Chartered Accountants from around the world to support, develop and promote the vital role that Chartered Accountants play throughout the global economy. It’s about creating global recognition of the chartered accountancy brand and promoting commitment of our global membership to the highest standards of professional and ethical practice. @CharteredWW

Using your ACA qualification internationally

ICAEW has membership recognition agreements with accountancy bodies around the world. So if you’re planning to live and work in another country, you may be able to join the local institute without sitting further assessment, provided you maintain your ICAEW membership.

Membership recognition agreements are in place with CAANZ in Australia and New Zealand, HKICPA in Hong Kong, SAICA in South Africa.

Your ACA qualification is also recognised by EU member states. You should therefore be able to obtain accountancy or audit recognition in another member state by passing a qualifying aptitude test.

Member networking and support

We will support you wherever your career takes you. Our member networks cover all the major international financial centres. These, together with our relationships with other accountancy bodies, provide local support and networking opportunities wherever you are.

ICAEW worldwide regional offices

Contact Members

ICAEW has a network of contact members around the world. They are your point of contact for enquiries and act as ambassadors in promoting ICAEW's strategy and brand within your country.

International assignments

With businesses increasingly operating globally and rising activity in emerging markets, companies are sending more staff on international assignments and employees are more mobile than ever.

Country Resources

The ICAEW Library & Information Service provides access to a range of information on over 180 countries.

Doing business in…

Are you dealing with a new country and need some background information? We have put together a collection of useful resources for a range of different countries.

Case studies - Members who have made the move

Case study 1

Rachel trained in the UK with a well respected mid-tier firm and qualified in 2000. After all the hard work to get her qualification Rachel decided that an international move would be a good next step in her career.

Having discussed her options, Rachel decided Bermuda fitted what she was looking for: a focus on financial services, entry to the Big Four, and a lifestyle that was very different to living in London.

At the end of her two year contract, Rachel had some choices to make. She was offered the chance to stay on with the firm as a manager and was also offered roles within Big Four firms in Canada, Hong Kong and Australia. As she was really enjoying her work and her location Rachel decided to stay where she was. After only another two years she was promoted to senior manager within the financial services team – a promotion that came far faster than if she had stayed in London.

In her fifth year on the island, a European fund management firm, one of her clients in Bermuda, offered her a position in Paris as an analyst. Her partners were very happy to support the move and she left them on good terms. Two years later, and based on the knowledge and experience gained in Bermuda, Rachel was offered the chance to be a fund manager within the insurance sector.

Rachel decided to return to the UK in 2008 and now runs the sales and marketing team for a Canadian financial services company.
Case study 2

PricewaterhouseCoopers believes mobility benefits everyone. Employees get a richer career experience, the firm gets more rounded business consultants. And clients get people who are better equipped to offer sound, well-informed advice. It’s a win-win situation.

For that reason, the firm actively encourages movement across business areas and countries. Colin Bates, one of PwC’s partners, has certainly made mobility work for him. He says:

I’ve been at PwC for 11 years now and worked across many different clients, countries and business practices. I started out in Bristol and then, post qualification, moved to a different practice in London before relocating to Germany where I was involved in a significant acquisition. I firmly believe that a wide range of experience develops your skills and brings broader business knowledge – and that’s what clients are looking for. The more you move around, the further you extend your network, external and internal. My advice to others? Think flexibly.”

Colin Bates, PwC

Further resources

A man commuting, wearing AirPods.
Salary surveys

Benchmark pay and benefits for accounting professionals, directors and executives.

Browse resources
A woman sitting on a chair, holding a resume in her hand.
Job hunting

Resources to help you hone your CV, tackle interviews and tests, and find a new job.

Young woman in blue shirt

Continuing professional development (CPD) is designed to develop your expertise within your individual role and help you maintain that edge throughout your career.
