Probate marketing guide
ICAEW’s guide for probate accredited firms is packed full of hints and tips from ICAEW accredited firms making a success of this new area. As well as case studies, it also contains practical advice and marketing tips to help your firm boost this revenue stream.
Probate success stories
ICAEW probate-accredited firms explain how they are making a success of this new area.
Probate logo
The ICAEW probate accredited logo is available to help your firm promote the probate services and value you provide.
Client communications
The consumer area of our website highlights the advantages of choosing an ICAEW probate accredited accountant as well as providing useful information for your clients, such as a brief overview of the process and a glossary of key terms.
Marketing your services: Are you covering the basics?
It may sound obvious, but we find a surprising number of firms do not publicise the probate and estate administration services they provide on their websites. We strongly recommend separating out these services to help increase awareness that you can help with probate.
How satisfied are your clients?
Finding out what clients think about your firm helps you improve your services, address any problems early on, and build better relationships. One way of doing this is to carry out regular client satisfaction surveys. We look at why client feedback is so important and provide some tips on how to gather useful data.