Guidance and reports
Displaying 1-20 of 20 results
The EU AI Act: a guide for SME accountants
- Feb 2025
- Accountancy Europe
- Accountancy Europe
Factsheet from Accountancy Europe, providing an overview of the EU AI Act’s main provisions, with particular focus on their potential impact on SMEs. The factsheet aims to inform SMEs, their advisors as well as smaller accountancy practitioners themselves about ways in which the AI Act might impact their business.
The State of AI
- May 2024
- Mckinsey
Annual McKinsey Global Survey on AI - "As generative AI adoption accelerates, survey respondents report measurable benefits and increased mitigation of the risk of inaccuracy. A small group of high performers lead the way."
Generative AI and the future of the legal profession
- Jul 2023
- LexisNexis
- LexisNexis
A LexisNexis July 2023 report into the views of UK legal professionals on using artificial intelligence (AI) tools within their firms. The report's findings included that clients want their law firms to adopt AI tools sooner than the latter think. Requires free registration to access.
Artificial Intelligence sector study 2022
- Mar 2023
- Department for Science, Innovation and Technology and Office for Artificial Intelligence
- Department for Science, Innovation and Technology and Office for Artificial Intelligence
An analysis of the UK’s AI sector, including figures on size, employment, revenue and investment.
National AI strategy
- Dec 2022
- HM Government
- HM Government
Document outlining the Government's long term strategy for developing AI
State of AI in the Enterprise
- Oct 2022
- Deloitte
Deloitte's fifth edition of the survey of executives to their sentiments and practices regarding AI technologies.
See also: 4th edition; 3rd edition; 2nd edition.
Establishing a pro-innovation approach to regulating AI
- Jul 2022
- HM Government
Policy paper from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, and Office for Artificial Intelligence on the UK's emerging approach to AI regulation.
A European approach to artificial intelligence
- Apr 2021
- European Commission
European Commission hub page for Europe's approach to AI, focussing on 2 areas: excellence in AI and trustworthy AI. The main publications are Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence; Strategy on artificial intelligence; Coordinated plan on artificial intelligence 2021 review.
AI and corporate reporting: how does it measure up?
- Jan 2019
- Financial Reporting Council
- Financial Reporting Council
Report from the FRC's Financial Reporting Lab which covers background on Artificial Intelligence (AI), what it is and how it has developed and some of the potential use cases that AI has for corporate reporting. Some actions for all those involved in corporate reporting are given as recommendations.
Government responds to report by Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence
- Jun 2018
- HM Government
- HM Government
Response to the Lords report 'AI in the UK: Ready, Willing and Able' which gives the Government's recommendations and plans for Artificial Intelligence in the UK
AI in the UK: ready, willing and able
- Apr 2018
- House of Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence
- House of Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence
House of Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence report of session 2017-19 whose 'recommendations are designed to support the Government and the UK in realising the potential of AI for our society and our economy, and to protect society from potential threats and risks'.
An executive's guide to AI
- Apr 2018
- McKinsey & Company
- McKinsey & Company
An interactive guide form McKinsey & Company giving essential information for executives on Artificial Intelligence, including an AI timeline, information (what is it/when to use it/how it works) on the different types of machine learning and deep learning with business cases for each.
Machine learning and its impact on accounting
- Nov 2017
- Jahan Zahid
- AccountingWeb
A summary of a panel discussion on machine learning, artificial intelligence and its impact on accounting. The article looks at predictions for 2018 and the implications for making tax digital (MTD).
Growing the AI industry in the UK
- Oct 2017
- Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport | Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
- HM Government - This independent review, carried out by Professor Dame Wendy Hall and Jérôme Pesenti reports on how the Artificial Intelligence industry can be grown in the UK.
Reshaping business with artificial intelligence
- Sep 2017
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT Sloan Management Review has partnered with The Boston Consulting Group to provide baseline information on the strategies used by companies leading in AI, the prospects for its growth, and the steps executives need to take to develop a strategy for their business. Subscription required to view full report.
Big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning and data protection
- Sep 2017
- Information Commissioner's Office
- Information Commissioner's Office
This discussion paper looks at the implications of big data, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning for data protection, and explains the ICO’s views on these.
Automate this: The business leader’s guide to robotic and intelligent automation
- Jan 2017
- Deloitte
- Deloitte
Deloitte guidance on the adoption of robot-led automation. Includes five steps to automation adoption and a checklist.
UK strategy and plan for 5G & Digitisation
- Jan 2017
- Future Communications Challenge Group
- Department of Digital, Culture, Media & Sport
Interim report of the Future Communications Challenge Group for the Department of Digital, Culture, Media & Sport. 5G will support the growth in mobile data demand, video communication demand and the full realisation of the Internet of Things.
AI intelligence: an overview for policy makers
- Nov 2016
- Government Office for Science
- Government Office for Science
An introduction to Artificial Intelligence from the Government Office for Science which gives an overview of the opportunities and implications for society and government.
Internet Of Things: Blackett review
- Dec 2014
- Government Office for Science
- Government Office for Science
Review from the Government Office for Science exploring how the UK can make the best use of the Internet of Things.
Displaying 1-20 of 20 results
Displaying 1-1 of 1 results
Institute for Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence (IRP AI)
- Institute for Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence
The IRPA AI is an independent professional association and knowledge forum for the buyers, sellers, influencers and analysts of robotic process automation, cognitive computing and artificial intelligence. The Knowledge Forum includes: thought leadership videos; articles, white papers and case studies; industry perspectives and expert Q&A's.
Displaying 1-1 of 1 results
Displaying 1-6 of 6 results
Computerworld - Internet of Things
- Website
- 20 Mar 2018
News and features from Computerworld on the Internet of Things (IoT).
Computing - AI
- Website
- 12 Apr 2018
News and features from Computing on Artificial Intelligence and machine learning.
Deloitte - Internet of Things
- Website
- 10 Apr 2018
Deloitte Internet of Things hub with press releases, news, features, reports and case studies.
Deloitte: Automation
- Website
- 19 Jan 2017
Deloitte Automation hub - news, features, reports and case studies on artificial intelligence, robotic process automation and process digitalisation.
Displaying 1-6 of 6 results
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