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Excel Community round up - January 2025

Author: Excel Community

Published: 03 Feb 2025


Here are all the new Excel blogs and webinars from the Excel Community in January 2025.


Building the report: design and narrative
John Tennent covers how to incorporate narrative using Text Boxes, ensuring that your report remains readable even when column widths change, or cells wrap. He also explores overall design principles, colour schemes, and the use of legends to enhance clarity. 

Excel Tips and Tricks Live: your questions answered (January 2025)
Ian Pay, ICAEW Head of Data Analytics & Tech and James Berridge, Director, Saffery LLP, were on hand to answer Excel dilemmas with live Excel demonstrations.

You can find our archive of all previous webinars here, many of which remain exclusive to Excel Community and ICAEW members.

Check our list of upcoming webinars or refer to the latest newsletter to see what is planned for the rest of the year.


Excel Community round up – December 2024
Here are all the new Excel blogs and webinars from the Excel Community in December 2024. 

Excel, asking for a friend
Stories of catastrophic spreadsheet errors often feature in the national media, but is this attitude to the use of spreadsheets risk obscuring a different, and much more significant problem: insidious spreadsheet inefficiency? We are asking for your help to find out. 

100 new Excel features from the first half of the 2020s
We’re halfway through the decade and Excel has released so many features its hard to keep track, so here’s a whistle stop tour with over 100 features. 

Excel, what’s occurin’ – it doesn’t add up
This series looks at some of the things that can go wrong in an Excel spreadsheet and at what we can do to avoid or resolve the issue. Simon Hurst starts with the basics of making sure our numbers add up. 

Bringing financial reports alive in Excel with visualisation – visualising monthly results
This article is part of a series that supports the lunch and learn webinars on how to bring financial reports alive in Excel with visualisation. This second article will explore how to visualise monthly results with a range of charts and chart features in Excel. 

Excel, what’s occurin’ 2 – precision as displayed
Having previously looked at the use of the ROUND() function, this time Simon Hurst moves on to a far simpler and easier method with only one drawback, it could destroy the accuracy of your spreadsheet. 

Going deep with REDUCE
In this article, Mark Proctor explores the REDUCE function in Excel and dives into its power for achieving advanced calculations. 

LIFO Modelling
In previous articles, Liam Bastick has considered modelling inventory, using both a simple averaging method to value the stock sold and then on a First In, First Out (FIFO) basis, which was a little bit trickier. Since then, he has been inundated with people asking him to complete the set: how do you model on a Last In, First Out (LIFO) basis?

Join the Excel Community

Do you use Excel in your organisation? Are you using it to its maximum potential? Develop your skills and minimise spreadsheet risk with our Excel resources. Membership is open to everyone - non ICAEW members are also welcome to join.

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Archive and Knowledge Base

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